Eddie Shammas is an educator with teaching experience in both Canada and the Middle East. He is an advocate for students with special students and believes all children can succeed.
Eddie Shammas is an educator with teaching experience in both Canada and the Middle East. He is an advocate for students with special students and believes all children can succeed.
ايدي شماس مدرس، وخبره تدريس عمليه في كندا والشرق الأوسط ، وهو من داعمي اهميه تعليم الاطفال ذو الاحتياجات الخاصة، ويؤمن بان كافه الاطفال يستطيعون.
Remy Goode is a technologist and artist based in San Francisco, California. She is passionate about creating accessible and educational multimedia material for children around the world.
Remy Goode is a technologist and artist based in San Francisco, California. She is passionate about creating accessible and educational multimedia material for children around the world.
ريمي جوود متخصصه في مجال فن التكنولوجيا وتعمل في سان فرانسيسكو , كاليفورنيا ،ولديها شغف وخبره واسعه في اساليب تطوير المهارات التعليميه لدي الاطفال حول العالم.